Mrs. Rubina Pathan
Principal Incharge

B.A, M.A, B.Ed & DECE

Principal's Message

Greetings for the academic year 2021-22!

It gives me a great pleasure to receive you all at the beginning of the new academic session 2020-21. I welcome you to the new academic year that has come with a new hope- a hope that after the dark clouds of COVID 19 , a silver lining of getting back to normal life from the new normal will appear soon. New normal is what we adapted in the pandemic time.
The past academic year, 2020-21 was a challenging time for students, teachers and parents. It started with panic in mind; however it ended with a hope in heart. Though our students missed face to face interaction with their teachers, the school saw to it that there is no loss in their academics. In the beginning the teachers started online classes using whatever knowledge of technology they had and towards the end they have mastered this art of conducting online classes. The teachers started adapting the new normal by conducting the online classes whereas the students started adapting the new normal by learning virtually through online classes. Both made their efforts in making things possible in the new normal. The teachers delivered curriculum with the adaption of new ICT tools and the students received it sitting in the safe corners of their cosy homes. Both the teachers as well as the students resisted the adverse situation, hence displayed resilience.

This resilience will grow in the year to come. Now, we have learnt to see opportunity in adversity. The technology we adapted to in the past year will act as one of the tools, an effective aid for all of us. It will, for sure, provide leverage to our teaching- learning process. Our next academic year’s theme will be resilience. We all will endeavour to strengthen this quality in us along with caring for our emotional health as well. The school assures a safer and healthy learning environment inside the campus.

Let’s accept the change and challenges coming on our way with a smile on our face and faith in our hearts.